Montessori - Seeds of Knowledge

grande feuille

Help me to think for myself

The montessori pedagogy of 6 - 12 years old

In our 6 – 12 year-old classes, your child benefits from a holistic program designed to support his or her need to understand and learn. Through experimentation and exploration, your child will discover, understand and acquire all the knowledge needed to adapt, respect and preserve the world around them. He’ll learn to manage his emotions, resolve conflicts and work constructively with his peers. We work to ensure that your child acquires all the academic and social requirements he or she will need for further study, in an atmosphere of listening, sharing and trust.

The work environment

5 Characteristics
Our program responds to this natural curiosity of the child by providing opportunities for spontaneous reasoning.
Within our program, we have taken into consideration each of these characteristics in order to ensure personalized learning and follow-up allowing each student to take advantage of all of their potential.

Suggestions for ages 6 - 12


"The art of painting belongs to the artists.
The Painting Game belongs to all the others."

montessori elementary class
Jeu de peindre
Once a week, the children go into the Closlieu in small groups to paint. Children paint standing up on large sheets of paper hung on the wall with thumbtacks. They have a palette table with 18 colors and high-quality brushes. The gouache used dries quickly and is free from harmful substances. The paintings remain archived at the school, because we don’t come here to produce works of art for others to see. The aim of the game is to enjoy the moment, not the result.


  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  • Wednesday: 8:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Our new premises

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